Thursday, March 31, 2011

Link To The Doll

Doll Completed/Next Project

Class time: March 31

I finished the Doll animation today.
I can't place it here, but will provide a link later on.

I will be available to work on the open house movie if need be.

Up next I will be doing some sort of animation on the life cycle of a star/black holes.
I need to figure out exactly what to do.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Doll Is Finished...But I Need Help

The doll animation is finished but I may need some help exporting it because I just can't get the dimensions to be what I want them to be. I've been trying repeatedly for almost 2 hours now, exporting lots of different copies and I can't understand what the problem is. What I have in final cut is a sequence of jpg images all 1920x1080 in the timeline. with music included on a different layer. I don't understand why FinalCut is exporting in movie in everything but 1920x1080.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Finished Doll Animation

I finished the animation tonight.
I'm going to look it over later and see if anything needs fixing.
I think some of the textures on the symbols shift around like they did when I first started.
I'm also wondering if they should have shadows.

Class Time: Mar 24

The doll will definitely be finished by Tuesday. All that's left is to tidy up the animation, which I will do tonight, and to insert sound and check the timing, which I will likely do Saturday.
I will have a storyboard for the next project on Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23: The Doll Turns

I did some work real quick just to make sure this thing gets done either tomorrow or this weekend. The girl doll turning around is the last hard part and is about half done now. Having the boy doll fall down seems like it will be fun.
Also, I made a title.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Class Time: Mar 22

Getting closer to finishing the Doll project. I've been saying that for a while, I know.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 21

10:45-11:45am: I worked on my Doll animation.
Almost done...not feeling very well right now...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break

So, since I am currently working on 3 different projects that all heavily involve using photos or textures in flash, I'm a little disappointed in what happens when they render.
In my Doll animation, the frame rate is steady, yet slightly slower. I can at least fix this by speeding it up a little in Final Cut. In my paper/pencil animation, the rendered version has inconsistent frame rates and also, flash crashes every now and then. And in a project I've been working on outside of class for some time, the sound is out of sync and the frame rate is choppy.

Is there any way to avoid this trouble when using photos to animate in flash?

I've been using this technique to branch away from my usual style of animation, but it looks like I can't stretch the limits of the program too much. In the future, I'll just have to stop using them and find new ways to experiment. Finishing these projects will be tough since I now have to think about ways to go easy on the program.

The Doll animation is almost done. I did 5 hours of it over break. I got lazy. However, I think it still will be done in a week, within the time that I set for myself.
What I'll probably do is finish the animation in the doll project and then move on to the science animation. I'll add sound to the doll project sometime later, once I figure out what kind of music I want to make for it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Break

Blogging will be hard without internet.
Over spring break I will work at least an hour each day on the doll animation.
If it turns out I get close to finishing it, then I will.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Class Time: Mar 10

Working on the doll animation today, I went back and fixed a few things I noticed and the continued with the girl doll trying on the bow. It was more complicated than I expected it to be because I had to make a few new layers. It could take a few more hours just to get this simple action done. After that, I'll be close to finished. I may even come back from spring break having finished this assignment.

I noticed that when this file renders the frame rate drops. I assume this is because of all the textures on the symbols. To fix this, when I finish the project I'll have to split this up into separate files so it the speed is correct. If that doesn't work, I could try speeding it up slightly in FinalCut, but hopefully I won't have to.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Class Time: Mar 8

I reached the point I wanted to get to today in the animation. It's now about half way done.

If it ends up being shorter than I'd like, I have an idea of how to make it longer.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7th

Worked on the doll animation today. Almost a third of the way down the storyboard and it's only 15 seconds. I guess I'm surprised that it might turn out short. Tomorrow I'd like to reach the point where the girl doll tries on a different color bow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday March 6th

Lost track of time. I told myself I'd get to the point where the girl doll is sniffing flowers today. It probably took about an hour and a half. Flash crashed twice for some reason, but luckily I'm paranoid and save every 5 minutes.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday, March 4

I took about a half hour today to make flowers and a different hand to hold them in.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Class Time Mar 3

Today in class I worked on my dolls and got to a point where I had to add more layers, which I was hoping I wouldn't have to do seeing as how there are already so many. Next I need to get new textures so I can make symbols of flowers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Class Time Feb...wait, no... Mar 1

Today I got my doll to stand up, and fixed the problem I mentioned encountering in my last post.
I can't tell how long this is going to take me to complete, but I'm going to spend a great deal of time on this outside of class in case it's far longer than I expected. If not, then, yay, I finish quicker!

Unsure about the background fitting in. It's just something I threw together before this class even started, since I originally planned to make this animation before I got the North Shore job.